سێ شه‌ممه‌ , ته‌مموز 16 2024

Daily Archives: شوبات 24, 2022

Idris Bitlisi


Idris Bitlisi (c. 18 January 1457[1] – 15 November 1520), sometimes spelled Idris Bidlisi, Idris-i Bitlisi, or Idris-i Bidlisi (“Idris of Bitlis“), and fully Mevlana Hakimeddin İdris Mevlana Hüsameddin Ali-ül Bitlisi, was an Ottoman Kurdish religious scholar and administrator. Even though many scholarly works mention Bitlis as Bitlisi’s place of birth, a new research states that he was actually born in the district of …

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Kirkuk (ancient: Arrapha)


Kirkuk (ancient: Arrapha) At Ta’min Governorate. In Iraqi Kurdistan, near the Khasa River, 250 km north of Baghdad. The modern city and also the site of the ancient Hurrian and Assyrian capital of Arrapha, strategically located, of great importance to the Assyrians. Dates: Assyrian period, late 3rd and 2nd millenium BC; flourished …

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Tawfeq Mahmoud Hamza or Piramerd(Kurdish: پیرەمێرد) (1867 – 19 June 1950) was a Kurdish poet, writer, novelist and journalist. He was born in the Goija neighborhood of Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region. In 1926, he became the editor of the Kurdish newspaper Jîyan. He also established a private Kurdish school in Kurdistan, …

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Said Nursî


Said Nursi (1876-1960) was a Kurdish Islamic modernist who founded the nondenominational Nur Movement (Nurҫuluk), which advocated for a reinterpretation of Islam according to the needs of a modern society, a legacy of attempts by the Young Ottomans to reconcile Islam with constitutionalism. He was strongly opposed to positivism, and believed …

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Abdul Karim Mudarris


Mala Abdul Karim Mudarris or Shaykh Abdul Karim Mudarris (1901–2005) (Kurdish: Mele Ebdulkerîmê Muderîs) also known as Nami was the contemporary Kurdish poet, writer, translator, Faqih and the Mufti of Iraq. Most of his works are in Kurdish and Arabic and a few of them are in Persian. is known …

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